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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.



The “rise up.” photo exhibit brought the Black Lives Matter protests below ground

The “rise up.” photo exhibit brought the Black Lives Matter protests below ground

Dupont Underground's in-person and online exhibit captured the vitality and tumult of Washington's 2020 Black Lives protests in photographs.
Kayla Benjamin, Copy Editor November 1, 2020

Underneath Washington D.C.’s Dupont Circle lies 15,000 square feet of underground space occupied by Dupont Underground, a nonprofit community arts organization. The front desk’s quiet music and the...

Ziyi Yuan

Boundary Breakers: Asian American Women in the film industry

Ziyi Yuan July 23, 2020
The commercial film market doesn’t provide many chances for female directors. The documentary market is more diverse than commercial films, said Jayaswal, but there is still room for improvement.
AWOL Issue 27: The Quarantine Issue

AWOL Issue 27: The Quarantine Issue

AWOL April 25, 2020

Dear reader, AWOL is pleased to bring you our 27th issue and the spring 2020 edition of our magazine. Given the global pandemic, we are publishing this semester's issue in digital format. All of our...

Mardi Gras at the Wharf 2020

Mardi Gras at the Wharf 2020

What happens when you take the celebration outside of New Orleans?
Ava Kowalski March 6, 2020

An elderly man with a voluminous golden wig and a splatter-painted green and purple suit stands on a bench. He cheers as swarms of people of every shape, size, color and age pass by him, trying to catch...

Clarissa Cheung ( far left) and other members of AASU advocacy committee introduce the “Self Care as Rebellion” event. This event took place Feb.4 on American University’s campus.

American University professor talks “pleasure activism” in campus event

Grace Vitaglione, Podcast Director February 25, 2020

American University’s Asian American Student Union debuted its advocacy committee with the “Self Care as Rebellion” event Feb. 4, where professor Sybil Williams lectured on the importance of self-care...

The mobile website for Seeking Arrangements, showing "sugar daddies" on the front page.

Advocate: Being a college “sugar baby” not so sweet

Chloe K. Li, Editor February 11, 2020

Laura Ramirez walked into a room full of other young women at a New York City conference in April 2015. College-aged women were all sharing tips about how to make more money and better connections. Unlike...

Sustainability: The New Fashion Trend

Sustainability: The New Fashion Trend

How fashion industry members in D.C. are working to create sustainable clothing.
Ziyi Yuan January 15, 2020

This story first appeared in the Fall 2019 print edition of AWOL.   Joelle Firzli, a trilingual fashion researcher and writer, is the CEO and curator of the sustainable fashion retailing brand...

Mental Borders: Mental Health Challenges in the Latinx Immigrant Community

Mental Borders: Mental Health Challenges in the Latinx Immigrant Community

Immigration status plays a large role in mental health, but barriers often prevent needed treatment.
Savanna Strott January 15, 2020

This story first appeared in the Fall 2019 print edition of AWOL. Tatiana Murillo came to the U.S. from Nicaragua at 11 years old with hopes of better opportunities and a chance to “be somebody”...

Deaths in the District, Part I

Deaths in the District, Part I

The beginning of an investigation into the effects of environment on opioid overdoses in the District
Braeden Waddell and Grace Vitaglione January 15, 2020

This is the first part of an AWOL investigation which examines the effects of environment on deaths caused by opioid overdose, with a focus on the D.C. area. The second part of the series will focus on...

Freemasons and the Future Apocalypse: A Look into the Denver International Airport Conspiracy Theories

Freemasons and the Future Apocalypse: A Look into the Denver International Airport Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories around the secretive Freemasons are ever-present.
Maddie Eunis January 15, 2020

This story first appeared in the Fall 2019 print edition of AWOL. There’s a secret society that has housed many of the country’s founders, like George Washington, James Monroe, Benjamin Franklin....

(1983 collage of members of the Macedonia Baptist Church in Montgomery County, courtesy of the church)

“Plans to Prosper You”; Katzen Museum hosts exhibition on historically Black communities from Montgomery County, Maryland

Braeden Waddell August 4, 2019

American University’s Katzen Museum is hosting an exhibition focused on historically Black communities from Montgomery County.    It will include historical artifacts, original artwork, photographs...

Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson (photo has been photoshopped by artist).

Killer Looks: The fascination of serial killers in pop culture

Katya Podkovyroff Lewis April 29, 2019
With serial murder on the decline, audiences turn to entertainment media for their true crime fixations.
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