Fall 2017 Photo Essay Submission Drive for AWOL
Got a photo essay?
We are currently accepting submissions for photo essays for Fall 2017 issue until October 22nd! If you’d like to submit, please fill out the form and follow instructions here.
We accept all kinds of photo essays from fine art to documentary photography and everything in between, but photo essays that are subversive, critical, irrepressible, and investigative are highly encouraged! More specifically, we are looking for social justice-related photo essays. In the past we have published protest photography, photographs of gentrification, and much more. You can check out past issues for inspiration at issuu.com/awol or stop by the office (MGC 248) for a physical copy.
Additionally, we publish blogs throughout the semester, and even if your photo essay is not chosen for print, it might be chosen for the online blog, so submit away! One may submit more than one photo essay if you want. If you’d like to ask questions about the submission drive, please shoot an email to [email protected] or our Photography Director, Melany at [email protected]. We will start review sessions in late October and have the release of the magazine in December.

I'm a junior majoring in Film and Media Arts! My areas of interest are women’s right, gun control, sex education, immigration, and healthcare! I love...