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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.



Lawsuit Filed as WTU Election Fiasco Gets Personal

Alex Burchfield July 7, 2010
Who, exactly, is in charge of Washington Teachers’ Union? Current president George Parker’s term ended Thursday—at least as far as the union’s constitution is concerned.
"Movies, Bowling Alleys, and Apartments"

“Movies, Bowling Alleys, and Apartments”

Chris Lewis July 3, 2010
Downtown Detroit, summer 2009. Photo by the author. I got off work early yesterday, so I walked to the bus stop on Woodward Avenue in downtown Detroit, between John R and Witherell Streets.

AWOL Musicwire: Come Get Yourself Some Canadian Hip-hop!

Chris Lewis June 28, 2010
I'm home in southeast Michigan for the summer, and one of the most flavorful of all the cultural oddities here is our proximity to Canada--Windsor and southern Ontario are just across the river from Detroit.

AWOL Newswire: US Considering “Microwave Weapon” for Afghanistan

Mike Lally June 24, 2010
In the latest attempt to win hearts and minds in Afghanistan, the United States is considering using a new non-lethal weapon called the "Active Denial System." Basically, it’s a giant microwave beam that gives the skin a sensation of being on fire.

AWOL Newswire: Trouble for Fenty?

Chris Lewis June 20, 2010
District of Columbia Mayor Adrian Fenty might want to worry a little. The District's most arrogant politician just got edged out in a straw poll-- he's running for reelection against current City Council chair Vincent Gray.

Demystifying the Tea Party

Alex Burchfield June 19, 2010
J.M. Bernstein provides an eloquent analysis of the Tea Party's seething anger.

AWOL Newswire: LA Schools Chief Sticks Up for “Regular Kids”

Amberley Romo June 6, 2010
An article in the Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that the Los Angeles Unified School District is prepping a large cutback in funding for students with disabilities.

AWOL Newswire: Rosa’s Law Changes the Conversation

Amberley Romo June 2, 2010
A big victory came last week for advocates in the intellectual disability community: a Senate committee approved a measure that removes the words "mental retardation" and "mentally retarded" from federal education, health, and labor laws. "Intellectual disability" and "individual with a mental disability" will replace the old terms.

AWOL Newswire: Obama Bombing School Reform

Chris Lewis June 1, 2010
This week, renowned educator Pedro Noguera is guest editor of The Nation's special education issue.

Delusions about Cuban Terrorism Continue

Chris Lewis May 31, 2010
“Venezuela’s financial support for state sponsors of terrorism is evident by Chávez’s extensive support of the Castro regime in Cuba, which is calculated to amount to $1 billion a year.” The authors of that statement?
The Unlikely Muslim: In College Park, the way to Islam as a Latino

The Unlikely Muslim: In College Park, the way to Islam as a Latino

Justin Cox April 21, 2010
Across the Hudson River from the World Trade Center’s twin towers, on the Stevens Institute of Technology campus where he studied engineering, he watched plumes of smoke billow from gaping openings where the planes had just hit.
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