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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.



Fake It 'Til You Make It

Fake It ‘Til You Make It

Counterfeit IDs, real consequences
Michael Karlis, Web Director January 2, 2018

Art by Xian Eley  The names of Sarah and Jamie have been changed to ensure confidentiality in this article. It's a typical Friday night at American University, and all of South Campus is getting...

Unshackling BDSM Myths

Unshackling BDSM Myths

Antoinette D’Addario January 2, 2018

Art by Claire Osborn  By day Evie Lupine (due to the sensitivity of this topic, Evie has asked to be identified by her public persona not her legal name)  is a career woman in a field filled with...

Protesters marching down the street with a banner that reads, "Make Dreamers a Reality."

Students Walkout for DREAMers

Stephanie Lopez, Staff Editor November 16, 2017

“Let’s march for the DREAMers,” shouts Erika Soto, a student organizer for United We Dream and American University (AU) student. After weeks of planning, Soto was finally seeing her hard work realized...

A food truck at the Boston Freedom Rally.

Lessons Learned at Boston’s Hempfest

Michael Karlis, Web Director October 5, 2017

“Bong rips are $20, dabs are $10, and edibles are $10,” said a disheveled looking man with a long, white beard as the Grateful Dead plays on vinyl in the background. This was Hempfest. This...

Not Your Average Girls

Not Your Average Girls

Reina DuFore, Staff Editor March 30, 2017

Mawal Sidi and Meriam Salem are changing the way Muslim women are portrayed in media with one weapon—a camera. Through the creation of a web-series called Not Your Average, Sidi and Salem highlight the successes and experiences

Professor Profile: Ericka Menchen-Trevino on Redefining Tech with Informed Consent

Professor Profile: Ericka Menchen-Trevino on Redefining Tech with Informed Consent

Jessica Wombles January 30, 2017

Ericka Menchen-Trevino is an assistant professor in the School of Communication at American University. Her research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of political communication and digital...

Disclaimer: An Accurate Story About Fake News

Disclaimer: An Accurate Story About Fake News

Laura Saini January 30, 2017

Originally published in Spring 2017, Issue 21. On Dec. 4, 2016, Edgar Welch, 28, walked into Comet Ping Pong, a pizzeria in D.C. and fired three shots in the restaurant. He believed Hillary Clinton was...

From Culture to Commodity: White Theft in Fashion

Olivia Donohue January 25, 2017

The continuation of colonialism in fashion. 

Race in the Kitchen: The Devaluation of Ethnic Food

Ashley Tejeda January 25, 2017

Why we don't pay more. 

Too Little, Too Light: Media Representation of Latinas

Too Little, Too Light: Media Representation of Latinas

Allison Tovar January 4, 2017

Originally published in Spring 2017, Issue 21. Illustrations by Maria Carrasco Infographics by Casey Chiapetta In 2015, Popsugar ran a post titled, “Kylie Jenner is Basically a Mix of All Your Favorite...

A Real Game Changer: The Gamble on Social Impact Games

A Real Game Changer: The Gamble on Social Impact Games

Sara Winegardner January 4, 2017

After returning home, your house is empty. Your family is gone. You move from room to room, piecing together what happened while you were away. This is the premise of Gone Home, a social impact mystery...

Opinion ||: I’m With Her: Progressive and Passionate About Clinton

Opinion ||: I’m With Her: Progressive and Passionate About Clinton

Pamela Huber May 16, 2016

Why Clinton deserves the Democratic nomination over Sanders

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