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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.



Up In Smoke: The Politics of the AU Smoking Ban

Up In Smoke: The Politics of the AU Smoking Ban

Tori Tropiano September 24, 2013
While recent legislation across the country suggests that Americans are developing more liberal opinions about marijuana use, students at American University are prohibited from smoking cigarettes or hookah on their campus.
Photo by 401(k) via Flickr

Want Something Done Right? Don't Let Big Corporations Finance It.

Lori McCue September 18, 2013
Campaign finance reform is an issue in which you are deeply invested.

AWOL Is Looking for Contributors!

Lori McCue September 11, 2013
It's that time of year again! AWOL seeks contributors for its blog and print magazine. AWOL is a progressive magazine run by American University students in Washington, DC.
Cleaning the Bay

Cleaning the Bay

Daniel Mahoney May 4, 2013
We drink it, we use it to clean ourselves and our dishes, and we use it for irrigation and food production.  Our survival and daily lives revolve around its use and availability.  Water is the most important resource used by individuals in the world, yet despite all its value, water pollution and conservation are overlooked issues.
Hey! Ho! Forbidding Activism has Got to Go

Hey! Ho! Forbidding Activism has Got to Go

Jimmy Hoover April 23, 2013

As a school continually ranked by the Princeton Review as one of the most politically active in the nation, here at AU it’s worth positing the question: how do ya figure that?

Well, any minor search into the rankings goliath that is the Review will tell you that these results are shady at best.

Bike lifestyle moves into H Street Corridor

Bike lifestyle moves into H Street Corridor

Sam Pearson April 18, 2013

A streetcar is coming to H Street Northeast late this year, but Austin Stubbs won’t be using it.

“There’s absolutely no reason to get on the bus or Metro,” Stubbs said.

Stubbs, 27, shapes his life and livelihood around the bicycle.

The area around H Street is flat, and bike lanes plentiful, making the five-minute ride from Stubb’s home at 15th Street Northeast and East Capitol Street a breeze.

It’s new residents like Stubbs who are behind some of the changes to the H Street Corridor.

Safeway to Save Petworth

Safeway to Save Petworth

Nicole Cusick April 16, 2013

While carrying her reusable tote bags close to her on this windy day Eula-Mae White was not discouraged in stopping to say “hello” to passers-by as she walked down Georgia Avenue.

The Personal Side of Political

The Personal Side of Political

Alexa Kelly January 4, 2013

Nothing much happens in Upper Dublin, Pennsylvania.

AU Employees and Students Fight for Workplace Fairness

AU Employees and Students Fight for Workplace Fairness

Taylor Kenkel November 22, 2012
As college students, sometimes it’s easy to focus on papers and parties and forget to pause and appreciate the people who provide the university with basic and often underappreciated services. AU’s Student Worker Alliance gave university employees a forum to talk about their experiences last week in an event that emphasized the need to support campus workers as they fight for improved contracts with their employers. Kevin Nelson, who has worked in the dining hall at AU for nearly four years while pursuing a nursing degree at UDC, served as one of the main speakers at the event.
Your Family’s Politics and the Holidays: A Survival Guide

Your Family’s Politics and the Holidays: A Survival Guide

Emily Kate Edwards November 18, 2012
I love my family more than anything in the world.
Fighting for Less Tuition, More Representation

Fighting for Less Tuition, More Representation

Taylor Kenkel October 28, 2012
Rallying cries for a tuition freeze and for student bargaining rights filled AU’s campus on Friday afternoon as members of the Coalition of American University Students (CAUS) led a march that culminated in a rally outside of Butler Pavilion in an attempt to directly voice their concerns to Gail Hanson, the university’s vice president for campus life. The students said they decided to hold the rally after university administration failed to respond to a list of demands and to a petition signed by over 25 percent of the student body.
Let's Make Civics Cool Again

Let's Make Civics Cool Again

Allie Niese October 20, 2012
Think about the government or social studies classes you took in high school.
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