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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Shayna Caruso, left, and Gabriela Rupp read written remarks to a crowd of 40 students in the Katzen rotunda. 20 more audience members watched on Zoom.

Education students feared loss of their school while massive gift was in the works

AU administrators secretly planned a large private donation to the School of Education for months, even as students and the public believed the school could be dissolved.
Ben Ackman and Ava Ramsdale March 3, 2025

On the evening of Nov. 12, 2024, 40 students stood in the Katzen Arts Center rotunda, listening to two juniors in the School of Education read an email the then-SOE Dean Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy sent that...

"A hidden gem"

“A hidden gem”

The Child Development Center served the AU community for decades. What happens now that it’s gone?
Kyle Galvin, Staff Writer December 4, 2024

Lawrence McCarthy arrived home on June 17, not knowing he had just left his last shift at American University’s Child Development Center. McCarthy said he had been working at the center for 35 years;...

Inside AU's 2024 Orientation Program

Inside AU’s 2024 Orientation Program

First-years and orientation leaders reflect on issues with new four-day orientation format.
Sydnee Patak and Layla Younis December 4, 2024

On the first day of orientation, first-year Maya Hope Giermek went to get breakfast at the Terrace Dining Room. She stopped when she saw the line. It spanned from Bender Library, up the stairs through...

Construction in MGC and new buildings offers glimpse of campus future

Construction in MGC and new buildings offers glimpse of campus future

$103 Million Student Thriving Complex and MGC under construction
Ben Ackman and Katherine Seri Chang April 24, 2024

Renovations are underway in Mary Graydon Center and Butler Pavilion as part of American University’s Student Thriving Complex initiative. The Sports Center Annex and Meltzer Center are also in the process...

Tearing down the terrace

Tearing down the terrace

TDR restructures look and layout while students hope safety addressed
Claire Gover, Multimedia Producer April 18, 2024

American University’s Terrace Dining Room will soon be a space that fosters work, socialization and relaxation, Senior Director of Dining and Auxiliary Services Ann Marie Powell said. Dining staff...

Beeghly sits empty

Beeghly sits empty

Beeghly Chemistry Building could be set for repurposing

For over 50 years, American University staff and students knew the Beeghly Chemistry Building for its science labs. But current professors know the building more for its arsenic, black mold, humidity...

Students wait to order at Panera Bread. (Caleb Ogilvie)

Incoming dining venues Panera Bread, Qdoba offer students new options

While new and renovated dining options open, Qdoba waits on certifications
Caleb Ogilvie, Managing Editor August 29, 2023

Students have new meal options this fall, including a Panera Bread on the first floor of Mary Graydon Center and a future Qdoba in the Tunnel. American University Dining also added new stations in the...

Leonard Hall’s renovation and its impact on students

As student's head home for the summer, American University plans to renovate Leonard Hall for 2023-24 academic year
Oni Chaytor, Staff Writer May 11, 2023

Leonard Hall, one of American University’s traditional residence hall buildings, will undergo renovations in the Summer of 2023. Groundwork for the residence hall was completed over spring break,...

Campus Beautification at AU

Campus Beautification at AU

Benjamin Austin, Staff Editor May 1, 2023

Workers from American University were joined by students and volunteers from the Washington, D.C. community to help beautify AU's campus on April 11 and 12. Plants were placed, mulch was spread and...

Drooping rose sat over other plants in the Community Garden.

Growing Community

Maegan Seaman, Multimedia Director April 26, 2023

In late 2021, American University announced an approved campus plan that included the construction of an upcoming athletics complex. The project, titled the Meltzer Center and Sports Center Annex, is slated...

American’s new aesthetic: National Geographic Society's gift to campus

American’s new aesthetic: National Geographic Society’s gift to campus

Construction underway for artist Elyn Zimmerman’s newly renamed sculpture.
Daniel Rosato, Staff Writer December 29, 2022

American University community members will soon see a large rock sculpture along their daily campus walk. Sudama, formerly known as Marabar, will sit in front of the Kogod School of Business, across from...

AU after carbon neutrality

AU after carbon neutrality

Ripped from the Wall explores AU’s sustainability policies and how climate-focused campus groups view them.

This semester the Ripped from the Wall team looked into American University’s environmental sustainability. We explored how the university markets itself, the sustainable policies it has, and talked...

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