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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.



Noelle, the Avalon
Noelle’s parents pay for her groceries. Favorites: Fruits & Avocados
Vices: Macaroni and cheese & Tostitos

Noelle’s food lifestyle is “healthy but not restricting.” She said her dad gives her EagleBucks for grocery money so that she can only buy groceries at Whole Foods, which helps her eat healthy. While living in an apartment gives her a large kitchen, she said,
“I don’t like leftovers, so I don’t cook as much as I would like to.”

Photo Essay: College Cuisine Confessions

Pamela Huber April 30, 2014
Our lives run on food. Food nourishes us; it comforts us and it can make us feel happy and guilty simultaneously.
Newswire: Bee-ing the Difference

Newswire: Bee-ing the Difference

Emily Olsen April 30, 2014
The Beeinformed Partnership, sponsored by the USDA and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, reported that, on average, US Beekeepers lost 45.1 percent of their colonies this past winter.
Rewiring the Capitol: A Hacker Haven For All

Rewiring the Capitol: A Hacker Haven For All

Brendan Agnew April 30, 2014
DC innovators create community and space blimps

Connecting with Incarcerated Writers: But Still I Soar

Alexa Marie Kelly April 30, 2014
Zoé Orfanos once taught a convicted murderer how to use Google. She was volunteering with Offender and Restoration, a nonprofit in Arlington, Virginia.

Addressing Suicide in Prisons: Behind Bars and Out of Hope

Rain Freeman April 30, 2014
Suicide haunts jails across our country. Unfortunately, the Central Detention Facility, DC’s city jail, is no exception.
More than half of all prison and jail inmates in the United States have mental health problems, according to a 2006 report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Another BJS report that year found that suicide caused 32.3 percent of deaths in local jails.
According to the DC Department of Corrections, two suicides were committed from 2009 to 2012 at the Central Detention Facility.
Jobs or Joints?: Drug Testing After Decriminalization

Jobs or Joints?: Drug Testing After Decriminalization

Laura Saini April 30, 2014
Weeding out marijuana users from the job market
Professor Profile: Chris Palmer

Professor Profile: Chris Palmer

Alex Mazzarisi April 30, 2014
_Chris Palmer teaches Environmental Filmmaking at American Univer- sity. Born in Hong Kong and raised in London, Palmer came to the United States and joined American's University's staff in 2004.
Diplomacy Blossoms: The Secret History of DC's Favorite Tree

Diplomacy Blossoms: The Secret History of DC's Favorite Tree

Jimmy Hoover April 30, 2014
It is late March in Washington DC, well into the world’s most pop- ular tree blossom festival; and yet winter, like a sozzled old man in a bar, is dragging its feet out the door.
Top Ten Insights for 20-Somethings From an Anacostia Cemetery Worker

Top Ten Insights for 20-Somethings From an Anacostia Cemetery Worker

Maya Kosover December 12, 2013
John Shackelford has been the supervisor at Ohev Sholom Cemetery for 15 years.
Transformations at the Anacostia Museum

Transformations at the Anacostia Museum

Chloe Johnson December 12, 2013
Since its founding in 1967, the Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and Culture has been unique.
Professor Profile: Farhang Erfani

Professor Profile: Farhang Erfani

Alexa Marie Kelly December 12, 2013
_Professor Farhang Erfani teaches philosophy at American University. Born and raised in Iran, Erfani and his family fled the country during the Iranian Revolution, forced out as exiles.
Living Below a Living Wage

Living Below a Living Wage

Linda Nyakundi December 12, 2013
Low-wage workers propel large corporations to sky-high profits while earning barely enough to survive.
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