Last year, AU announced its decision to replace the Art History Department’s most prized, high-tech classroom with a welcome center for prospective students.
As I fumbled through the day’s lesson plan, I realized I wasn’t going to fill enough time.“Uh, all right,” I said in Spanish, “Now we’re going to play a game.
The WONK campaign is AU’s new plan to hype its “active citizenship” and prime Washington location to prospective students. It has been controversial since the beginning.
The original purpose of the U.S. Census was not to acquire an accurate racial breakdown of any city, state or nation; it was just to count people. Even that task is difficult.
Dear President Obama,You’re not the man I thought you were.Roughly a week ago, you issued a waiver that would allow the US to continue to provide military assistance to four countries—Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yemen, and Chad—whose militaries recruit or deploy child soldiers.You claimed the waivers would serve as a warning to the states to get their acts together.