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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Campus Life

Why is the Eagle So Hostile to Feminists?

Ashley Joyce March 30, 2010

Like many college campuses, AU hosts a predominately female student body.

Aramark at AU: The Search for Solidarity

Aramark at AU: The Search for Solidarity

Rory Drohan November 18, 2009
The typical AU student lives an economically-secure life on a tidy campus of material comforts. But for the 106 campus custodial employees who do the tidying, the prospect of a secure and comfortable future remains indefinite.
Money Woes: Financial Aid at AU

Money Woes: Financial Aid at AU

Kelcie Pegher November 18, 2009
It costs $47,386 to attend AU this year, a six percent increase from last year’s tuition.
Women Athletics: Always Through a Dude's Lens

Women Athletics: Always Through a Dude's Lens

Bronwyn Flores November 18, 2009
An athletic guy is a “jock.” An athletic girl, on the other hand, can be any number of things -- softball players are “dykes,” rugby players are “butch” and cheerleaders, dancers and gymnasts are “hot.”

The Ghost of Kreeger's Past

Julie Szymaszek November 10, 2009
With all the emphasis placed on new buildings like the SIS building or the recently opened Kogod wing, at times I turn my attention to one of AU’s abandoned structures – the Kreeger Music Hall.

Confronting Division: Racial Realities in D.C. Classrooms

Alex Burchfield November 6, 2009
Birney Elementary School looms over the Anacostia Metro stop, casting a  shadow on the Barry Farm neighborhood.
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