The Trump Resistance

The day after Donald Trump officially became the 45th president of the United States, hundreds of thousands of protesters took to D.C.’s streets to express their fear over many statements the real estate mogul made during the campaign. Millions more marched in cities around the country and the world.  

“I knew I wanted to go to the inauguration, but when it went the other way and I saw there was going to be this rally, I decided to come down,” said former American University student, Rachel Teevens. 

 She, along with thousands of others, drove seven hours from Massachusetts to spend the weekend protesting. 

Protesters flooded the streets while hoisting signs and chanting, each with their own reasons for being there. Many expressed unwavering frustration that women were still fighting for reproductive rights. Smaller pockets of protesters represented the Black Lives Matter, climate change and immigration movements. 

The protests seemed chaotic, at time lacking true direction or leadership. People were walking in every direction, climbing up trees and on cars. No one seemed to know where the walk was started or ended and when things were scheduled to begin. Chants ranged from “We want a leader, not a creepy tweeter” to “my body, my rights.” There were hundreds of signs, ranging from serious to funny. Many contained offensive language, but were meant to recapture the words from the negative connotations they’ve become associated with. 

One common sign referenced Princess Leia and her leading the Resistance. Carrie Fisher, who portrayed Leia in the Star Wars movies, recently passed away, but her spirit still inspired women to protest for their beliefs.

After protests escalated last night, some feared similar outcomes, should Trump supporters attempt to counter-protest today. “Make America Great Again” hats were spotted, and some people were trying to sell them. However, there was minimal fighting between protesters and counter-protesters or the police. 

“This whole event seemed like it lacked a central point. I’m not sure anything will result from this. But, it was cathartic,” Teevens stated. 

People traveled across the country to express their frustration over how the election turned out. 

“I hope Trump succeeds. I hope he doesn’t follow through on most of his campaign promises. I hope four years from now, he’s done such a good job, I [will] happily vote him to have a second term,” Teevens said wearily.