Blog Roundout: Why is the Eagle so Hostile to Feminists?
Junior Ashley Joyce has added her voice to the exploding debate on Alex Knepper‘s misogynistic diatribe in AU’s student paper, The Eagle. Knepper’s editorial has received a lot of attention (see below for links) and created a vocal and active backlash on campus from women’s rights advocates. For more on that, check out the Campus Campaign for Consent.
Keep your eyes peeled for the Spring ’10 issue of AWOL with a print version of Ashley’s article. You can also read it online here.
- Jen Calatone’s (Eagle Editor-in-Chief) and Charlie Szold’s (Managing Editor for News) responses
- Washington City Paper‘s ‘The Sexist’: “American University Student Newspapers Vandalized Over ‘Rape Analogy’“
- Jezebel: “‘Date Rape is an Incoherent Concept'” Blaming the Victim, American U. Edition“
- The Eagle Blog: “Your 15 minutes are up“
- AU Examiner Editorial: “Where is the line?“
- Andrew J. Bluebond’s blog at Campus Progress: “Victim-Blaming is Alive at American University“
- WAMU: “American University Student Newspapers Vandalized over ‘Rape Apology’“
- Richard Phillips’ column: “The Eagle, Sexperimentation, and How Progressives Missed the Boat“