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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.



Linking Suspension & Incarceration:Cuffing the Kids

Evangeline Lacroix, Editor in Chief December 9, 2015

It’s the unruly students in the corner of a classroom, the ones who tell fart jokes instead of math answers.

Opinion ||: When East Meets West: Who Is the Fairest of Them All?

Opinion ||: When East Meets West: Who Is the Fairest of Them All?

ZiQing Low November 24, 2015

How cultural differences create opposing views on female beauty

We May Have Won the Battle, Now Let’s Win the War: AU Students’ Reactions to Obergefell v. Hodges

We May Have Won the Battle, Now Let’s Win the War: AU Students’ Reactions to Obergefell v. Hodges

Nicole Bubnoski July 21, 2015

Students respond to the Supreme Court same-sex marriage ruling

From Yellow Umbrellas to the 99%: Succeeding and Failing at Protest

Maxwell Glas May 12, 2015

Analyzing Occupy and the Umbrella Movement’s impact

Taking Down Torture, One Painting at a Time: Art as Protest

Taking Down Torture, One Painting at a Time: Art as Protest

Evangeline Lacroix, Editor in Chief April 28, 2015

Debra Vanpoolen is a nomad. She hops from couch to couch to participate in activism events all across the country, creating art along the way. 

Her most recent endeavor involves working with Witness Against Torture, an activist collective that aims to shed light on and end torture in Guantanamo Bay through nonviolent protests. 

The group formed in 2005 when, according to their website, “Twenty-five Americans went to Guantanamo Bay and attempted to visit the detention facility.

Shaming the poor: Legislative proposals limit assistance

Rachel Falek, Editor In Chief April 14, 2015

Examining proposed legislation in Kansas and Missouri

The voice of the youth: Political activism and music

The voice of the youth: Political activism and music

Brendan Agnew April 7, 2015

The compatibility of activism and music

Students Against Sexual Violence demand change

Antoinette D’Addario April 6, 2015

In the wake of recent scandals, students demand change

Reproductive injustice: Persecution under fetal homicide laws

Rachel Falek, Editor In Chief March 31, 2015

What does it mean for the nation that a miscarriage became fetal homicide?

Breaking down net neutrality

Breaking down net neutrality

Ellie Shackleton March 3, 2015

What it means for you

Feminism Mini-Series || Myth 1:  The bra burning feminist sets the patriarchy ablaze

Feminism Mini-Series || Myth 1: The bra burning feminist sets the patriarchy ablaze

Samantha Russell February 13, 2015

Part of our feminism mini-series, an analysis of the bra burning myth

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