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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.



Commercializing Chinatown: Gallery Place

Commercializing Chinatown: Gallery Place

Evangeline Lacroix, Editor in Chief October 27, 2014

To walk out of the Gallery Place Metro Station is to be assaulted by bright flashing advertisements reflecting off of office windows.

Flipping Up Your Pancakes with a Side of Civil Lawsuit

Flipping Up Your Pancakes with a Side of Civil Lawsuit

Ellie Hartleb October 20, 2014

A look at the $2 Billion Lawsuit for Aunt Jemima.

Is One Worse Than the Other?: Alcohol vs. Marijuana Violations on Campus

Is One Worse Than the Other?: Alcohol vs. Marijuana Violations on Campus

Maura Fennelly October 13, 2014

American University's not so equal punishments between booze and the bong.

Documenting the Undocumented: The Misnomer of Being Illegal

Evangeline Lacroix, Editor in Chief October 13, 2014

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Jose Antonio Vargas shares his story at KPU event.

At the table in front of the shirts, any passerby could stop and sign the pledge to help prevent domestic violence.

Supporting Survivors: Clothesline Project Begins Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

Anna Moneymaker October 12, 2014

Students wrote messages on t-shirts aimed at survivors of domestic abuse, in an event run by Peer Educators for the Elimination of Relationship and Sexual Violence (PEERS). Some were stories of abuse and others offered support.

The Catch-22 of the Century: A Follow-Up on Pop Feminism

The Catch-22 of the Century: A Follow-Up on Pop Feminism

Ashley Tejeda October 8, 2014
A critique (and the necessity) of Emma Watson and other celebrity’s use of feminism.
It’s About You: Feminism and Male Allies

It’s About You: Feminism and Male Allies

Ashley Tejeda September 30, 2014

Emma Watson’s speech about gender equality to the UN and what it means for feminism.

Newswire: Lights, Camera, Tax Incentives!

Newswire: Lights, Camera, Tax Incentives!

Jacob Motz April 30, 2014

With the latest Captain America movie opening in theaters this Friday, Hollywood’s rising star is thrust into the spotlight: Washington, DC.

The OAS In the Twenty-First Century: Rediscovering Dialogue, Descubriendo el Dialogo de Nuevo

The OAS In the Twenty-First Century: Rediscovering Dialogue, Descubriendo el Dialogo de Nuevo

Jose Mejía Sierra April 30, 2014
h3. Rediscovering Dialogue As a resident of the United States, you have Inter-American rights, defined by the Charter of the Organization of American States and the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man.
Putting in Your 77 Cents to Gender Equality: Mind Wage Gap

Putting in Your 77 Cents to Gender Equality: Mind Wage Gap

Casey Chiappetta April 30, 2014
Following President Obama's State of the Union Address, Twitter was cluttered with #madmen. It wasn’t about Don Draper or Madison Avenue, but rather about progress in regard to women’s rights and wages.
“You know, today, women make up about half our workforce, but they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns,” Obama said in his speech.
Investigating Sexual Assault on Campuses: Standing with Survivors

Investigating Sexual Assault on Campuses: Standing with Survivors

Haley Hawkins April 30, 2014
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s dignified image was tarnished in 2012 when they shamed a student during a judicial hearing.
Landin Gambill, who reported that her ex-boyfriend raped her, was met with degrading and accusatory questions during the ensuing honor court hearing.
Newswire: Bee-ing the Difference

Newswire: Bee-ing the Difference

Emily Olsen April 30, 2014
The Beeinformed Partnership, sponsored by the USDA and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, reported that, on average, US Beekeepers lost 45.1 percent of their colonies this past winter.
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