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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.



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Roller Derby Rough N' Tumble

Taylor Kenkel April 23, 2013

In the past few years, roller derby has surged in a popularity not seen since the campy, televised bouts of the 1970’s.

The District's Civilian Guardians

The District's Civilian Guardians

Alexa Kelly April 23, 2013

They call him Sabertooth.

Hey! Ho! Forbidding Activism has Got to Go

Hey! Ho! Forbidding Activism has Got to Go

Jimmy Hoover April 23, 2013

As a school continually ranked by the Princeton Review as one of the most politically active in the nation, here at AU it’s worth positing the question: how do ya figure that?

Well, any minor search into the rankings goliath that is the Review will tell you that these results are shady at best.

Lower Georgia Avenue Looks to the Future: Gentrification in the District

Lower Georgia Avenue Looks to the Future: Gentrification in the District

Jessamine Price April 23, 2013

When a conspicuously white reporter walks into Eagles Barber Shop on lower Georgia Avenue, several guys there have a question.

“You going to write a story about gentrification?

Though some local residents feel insulted by the word gentrification, the barbers and customers at Eagles want me to hear the word.

Rape is a Men's Issue (Henderson Images)

Firearms Triggering Student Reaction: After Newtown

Audrey Van Gilder April 23, 2013

On my 16th birthday, I remember listening to a radio report about a mass shooting that killed 33 people on a university campus.

Safety and Security in the City: Lessons from a MPD Ride-Along

Safety and Security in the City: Lessons from a MPD Ride-Along

Jess Anderson April 23, 2013

Luckily, the woman wasn’t dead.

Coming to America: Life as an International Student

Gar Meng Leong April 23, 2013

The American dream held rich prospects for me that my home couldn’t provide.

The Monumental Past

The Monumental Past

Zac Deibel April 23, 2013
Monuments often have unintentional implications that extend beyond serving as history lessons for the passerby.
Life After Torture

Life After Torture

Pamela Huber April 23, 2013

When we think of torture survivors, we usually don’t think of the people we pass on the street, going about their lives and living in our communities, but there are 50,000 in the DC region alone according to the Torture Abolition and Survivor Support Coalition.

One of those survivors is Selam Heran Tarik.

Exploring LeDroit Park: Gentrification in the District

Exploring LeDroit Park: Gentrification in the District

Rhys Heyden April 23, 2013
LeDroit Park is a place defined as being “in-between.”
Bike lifestyle moves into H Street Corridor

Bike lifestyle moves into H Street Corridor

Sam Pearson April 18, 2013

A streetcar is coming to H Street Northeast late this year, but Austin Stubbs won’t be using it.

“There’s absolutely no reason to get on the bus or Metro,” Stubbs said.

Stubbs, 27, shapes his life and livelihood around the bicycle.

The area around H Street is flat, and bike lanes plentiful, making the five-minute ride from Stubb’s home at 15th Street Northeast and East Capitol Street a breeze.

It’s new residents like Stubbs who are behind some of the changes to the H Street Corridor.

Safeway to Save Petworth

Safeway to Save Petworth

Nicole Cusick April 16, 2013

While carrying her reusable tote bags close to her on this windy day Eula-Mae White was not discouraged in stopping to say “hello” to passers-by as she walked down Georgia Avenue.

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