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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Campus Life

Graduate Students Housed in Letts Among Undergraduate Freshmen

Graduate Students Housed in Letts Among Undergraduate Freshmen

University housing experiments with mixed-class residences, but it's unclear whether it will become a lasting trend.
Stella Camerlengo, Staff Editor November 18, 2024

Over the summer, graduate student Wilford Adjei felt hopeless about his housing situation in Washington. To him, rent was too high, and finding a suitable place seemed impossible. Then, he got an email...

AU SJP makes noise

AU SJP makes noise

Student activists demonstrated outside Israeli studies conference.
Ben Ackman, Multimedia Producer November 15, 2024

On Nov. 11, protestors shouted chants, banged drums and clanked spoons and pans outside of Constitution Hall, hoping to disrupt a conference held inside hosted by the American University Center for Israel...

The Gaza Solidarity Sukkah by the hours

The Gaza Solidarity Sukkah by the hours

The structure, erected by student demonstrators, stood for fewer than four hours before being dismantled.
Ben Ackman and Will Sytsma October 30, 2024

At 9 a.m. on Oct. 23, a small cadre of activists stood over a pile of white PVC pipes and cellophane snack bags by Woods Gate next to Hurst Hall. By 9:15, they had raised a skeletal frame supported by...

Graduate students from WCL commemorate Orange Shirt Day

Graduate students from WCL commemorate Orange Shirt Day

The event was organized by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion and the WCL Native American Law Students Association
Conny Galvez, Staff Writer October 30, 2024

On Sept. 30, students from the Washington College of Law gathered in front of the WCL Capitol Building Front Lawn to observe Orange Shirt Day, a Canadian day of memorial created to recognize the effects...

YDSA members demonstrate for residence hall janitors

YDSA members demonstrate for residence hall janitors

The protest preceded a new contract for property service workers promising significant pay increases.
Ben Ackman, Multimedia Producer October 11, 2024

On Sept. 19, student demonstrators gathered in the Letts-Anderson Quad to form a picket line in support of American University’s cleaning staff. The protest was organized by the Young Democratic Socialists...

Glover Gate graffitied with Pro-Palestinian messages

Glover Gate graffitied with Pro-Palestinian messages

The time and perpetrator of the vandalism is still unclear.
Ben Ackman, Multimedia Producer October 10, 2024

On Oct. 10, a woman driving past American University’s Glover Gate on Massachusetts Avenue rolled down her car window. “Yeah! Free Palestine!” she shouted. Several other drivers honked their horns...

Transgender students report feelings of safety, but incomplete support

Transgender students report feelings of safety, but incomplete support

In the face of nationwide hate crimes, students say decades-long work is not yet done
Will Sytsma, Staff Editor August 13, 2024

Content Warning: This article describes suicide and violence against transgender people.   When Gabe Michelangelo was weighing which colleges to apply to, his transgender identity was one of...

AU president search had limited student, late faculty input

AU president search had limited student, late faculty input

President choice crucial in challenging time for universities
Jacob Mittleman, Staff Writer May 10, 2024

After months of deliberation, the American University presidential search committee finished its search for AU’s next president. The decision involved reviewing applicants for someone who is a community...

Architecture restricts skaters and people at bus station benches

Architecture restricts skaters and people at bus station benches

Features aim to prevent certain behaviors like skating and sleeping on architecture
Katherine Seri Chang, Multimedia Contributor May 8, 2024

American University and public bus benches use bars to restrict skaters and people experiencing homelessness, respectively. Hostile architecture is generally defined as architecture designed to curb...

Flashback to the eclipse

Flashback to the eclipse

Students fill Main Quad to see solar phenomenon
Claire Gover, Multimedia Producer May 6, 2024

American University students sat on the Main Quad April 8 to view a solar eclipse that crossed the United States.  AU’s College of Arts and Science hosted The Great American Eclipse Viewing Party...

Potential divestment, disclosure and policy targets following SJP demands

Potential divestment, disclosure and policy targets following SJP demands

An analysis of AU and GW finances, a former defense contractor trustee and student disciplinary policies
Neal Franklin, Editor in Chief May 3, 2024

  Editor's Note: The AP Style Israel-Hamas Topical Guide is “calling the present conflict between Israel and the militant Palestinian group Hamas a war, given the widespread and ongoing nature...

Construction in MGC and new buildings offers glimpse of campus future

Construction in MGC and new buildings offers glimpse of campus future

$103 Million Student Thriving Complex and MGC under construction
Ben Ackman and Katherine Seri Chang April 24, 2024

Renovations are underway in Mary Graydon Center and Butler Pavilion as part of American University’s Student Thriving Complex initiative. The Sports Center Annex and Meltzer Center are also in the process...

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