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Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


Critical. Subversive. Irrepressible.


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The Real Impact of High Tuition: You Are Not a Loan

Julia Rapp April 23, 2016

The red patch is more than just a fashion statement. The square of felt that American University students wear symbolizes their protest against tuition increases.

tudents at AU and across campuses in the U.S.

Paying for Your Unpaid Internship: Affording a Future

Laura Sholtz April 23, 2016

Brenna Raffe, an AU freshman, would love to get an internship. But between her part-time work study job at the Davenport Coffee Lounge, full course load as a double major in literature and public relations, sorority membership and participation in club basketball, it seems unrealistic. 

“Even thinking about doing an internship during the school year next year gives me extreme anxiety,” Raffe said.



Lydia Crouthamel April 23, 2016

Maria Floro is a professor of economics at AU and the co-director of the graduate program for gender analysis in economics.

White Privilege in Study Abroad: The Racial Divide

Megan Yoder April 23, 2016

arah Snead’s experiences of personal development and growth are common among college students who study abroad.

Implicit Racism at AU: UNMASKING 


Casey Chiappetta April 23, 2016

Three black students were sitting next to each other in a row—one of them was SPA junior Tatiana Laing—in a constitutional law class.

Stadium Sparks Gentrification Concerns:

Stadium Sparks Gentrification Concerns: UNITED WE LEAVE

Brendan Agnew April 23, 2016

Just a block away from the Navy Yard-Ballpark Metro station stands Nationals Park, which casts a long shadow over the scattered development around.

Creating a Haven for Abused Pets: Protecting Polly

Emma Dacol April 23, 2016

“We have a much better relationship. He’s more level-headed most of the time,” Exten said. “He still has his parrot days where he goes crazy; he’s still a macaw, but then when he does go off the deep end or whatever, I understand why.

Unwholesome Whole Foodies: Shopping for Change

Jessica Wombles April 23, 2016

I enjoy walking around Whole Foods because it makes me progressive. I’m not talking about the neo-hippie, trash bag wearing wannabe crowd; I mean the real live stick-it-to-the-man type who doesn’t conform to middle-class fashion trends.

Professor Profile: Chris Palmer

Alex Mazzarisi April 23, 2016

Chris Palmer teaches Environmental Filmmaking at American University. Born in Hong Kong and raised in London, Palmer came to the United States and joined American's University's staff in 2004.

Addressing Suicide in Prison: Behind Bars and Out of Hope

Rain Freeman April 23, 2016

Suicide haunts jails across our country. Unfortunately, the Central Detention Facility, DC’s city jail, is no exception to this trend.

    More than half of all prison and jail inmates in the United States have mental health problems, according to a 2006 report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Another BJS report that year found that suicide caused 32.3 percent of deaths in local jails.

    According to the DC Department of Corrections, two suicides were committed from 2009 to 2012 at the Central Detention Facility.

Connecting with Incarcerated Writers – But I Still Soar

Alexa Marie Kelly April 23, 2016

Zoé Orfanos once taught a convicted murderer how to use Google. She was volunteering with Offender and Restoration, a nonprofit in Arlington, Virginia.

Rediscovering Dialogue: The Other United States/Redescubriendo Diálogo los demás Estados Unidos

Jose Mejía Sierra April 23, 2016

As a resident of the United States, you have Inter-American rights. They are defined by the Charter of the Organization of American States and the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man.

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