Protesting anti-abortion legislation
Anika Iqbal| November 11, 2021
Lyvonne Proverbs Briggs, a spiritualist pastor, embraces a fellow protester after hosting a faith gathering at the march.
An elderly protester sits holding a sign reading “old enough to remember pre-Roe,” referring to the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade.
Two men on the frontline against the counter-protesters stand with pro-choice shirts and flags advocating for equality.
A protester raises a hand-written sign reading, “MY ABORTION SAVED MY LIFE.”
Demonstrators align the demand for abortion access with the district’s protest for statehood.
A local chapter of Batala Mundo, an all-women AfroBrazilian percussionist band, leads the protesters to the Supreme Court with galvanizing drum beats.
Protesters lead the march holding a painted banner by @melroyart on Instagram that reads, “ABORTION JUSTICE CAN’T WAIT.”
A Women’s March staff member leads the protesters in a chant.
A protester holds a sign reading, “Y’all pro-life til the baby’s black!”
Protestors hold signs reading, “Our future, our fight, our bodies.”
Thousands showed up in Washington to protest anti-abortion legislation.
About the piece:
On October 2, 2021, the Women’s March organization gathered hundreds of thousands of protesters across the U.S. to protest the anti-abortion legislation passed in Texas. The law, called the “heartbeat bill,” widely restricted access to abortion for people who can get pregnant in Texas, including those who are survivors of rape or incest. To fight for this reproductive healthcare right, people took to the streets. Here are some pictures of the protest in Washington, D.C.